Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bragging Rights

      This year has been a lot of fun as a father, I have watched my son go from a little boy to a little man in what seems like over night. We spent the weekend with some great Friends fishing a small mountain creek and ponds near their cabin and fishing was epic, or at least it was for my son.. I spent most of the time as the net man for my wife and son netting nice 12-15 inch browns and rainbows, so when Drake called out "fish-on" I was expecting much of the same. I could not believe it when I saw this toad roll up out of the depths of the fast moving creek, I knew that this would be the most important fish I ever tried to net, glad I didn't screw it up. Drake has always loved fly fishing and being out on the river, but this 23 inch hook jawed rainbow took it to a whole new level, so big fish beware...The little streamer-slinger is on his way.